A Note From Dick DeVos
Welcome! My life’s work in business, public policy, civic engagement, and education have been rewarding endeavors. That work continues today. I’m grateful for the opportunity to help mentor businesses, lead public policy initiatives, and support the rapid growth of West Michigan. My hope is that you are inspired and encouraged to join in creating positive change and leaving a lasting impact on West Michigan and beyond.

"It is time for a complete reset. If we want our nation to long endure, we must make a meaningful change to put students first. Our economic security, national security, innovation edge and way of life hang in the balance. American cannot continue to lead the world if its rising generation can’t even read, let alone excel in math and science." ... See MoreSee Less
BETSY DEVOS: Education Department has failed. Time to let parents and states take the lead
Last week, the Nation’s Report Card – the only nationwide measure of how America’s government-run schools are performing – came home, and the results are devastating.19 CommentsComment on Facebook
Betsy DeVos was an agent of change. Before you comment read her backstory. She was the leader in champing Charter Schools. Her devotion to education is clear. Take a page from her book.
While this sounds worthwhile at a higher level, for Idaho, I don’t see how this will help us due to the extent of rural school systems. Am I missing something? Resources are already spread thin in rural areas.
I think it’s based also in the home m. My son goes to a public school, he is doing excellent in school he had Speach therapy and today he graduated out of it. He’s doing excellent in math above his grade level and above his great level reading. His teachers are amazing and work diligently with him but I as her mother also work with him at school it’s my responsibility also that he doesn’t forget what he learns. Let’s not put all the blame on the school system.
Right Absolutely right
I love u .
Wish she would have stayed with Trump when there was things she didn’t agree with! I’ve stayed with you!!! Lots of changes Rich would have never done!
I agree with you, I hope someday you will remember our conversation, "Wally Butrick" i hope, as is even locally we are in need of a reset. It is hard to keep up with everything but based on what I have seen a large portion of money that you have provide does not go to the community. Fact is unfurtunetly the community does not see you bring it up in person, imagine if our community would no directly from you on what your help is for. Too many people struggling locally and I know based on all the help you give it should not be the case. Our students need that honest and non bias leadership here in Grand Rapids Michigan. I promised you I would never ask for money but for advice on how to help those left behind here in Grand Rapids Michigan.
😃😃🌈🌈And,preferably to be able to read more than one nation's or one continental languages😄😄
Home schooling parents should have the option to gain a tax break for their children's education expenses.
Have to insure the MEA’s of the states don’t suck it up like they did under proposal A.
Agree 💯
Inundar el pais de capitalismo solidario , cuya principal herramienta es la educación para la vida!
Giustissimo ❣️❤️ Pensiero come anche fuori dagli USA. In Europa le nuove generazioni non leggono ed è impensabile che saranno i governanti di domani.
It is of great concern that anyone here in Grand Rapids or Michigan needs to hear this. $ is a huge issue because families don't have time to invest in children. Amplify G R understand yhod
Agree 💯
Youth are the American Treasure that even surpases value of MONEY...
Sorry. For-profit education is absolutely not the answer. Look at what's it's done to our health/insurance industry. Do we really want our children exposed to corporate greed that cuts corners and leaves behind anyone that requires a little extra help to save a few dollars? No thanks.
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Gerald R. Ford International Airport - for the second year in a row - set a record for the number of passengers coming through the airport. What an accomplishment for the team - CONGRATULATIONS! And thank you for all you do to help bring folks from around the world to West Michigan. ... See MoreSee Less
Ford Airport saw record 4 million passengers in 2024
The Gerald R. Ford Airport was festive Tuesday with live music, a free yoga class, swag and therapy dogs for passengers to pet as the team celebrated seeing a record number of passengers in 2024.10 CommentsComment on Facebook
Great airport! Great Community! Great Leadership!
It’s the best for convenience and parking
My daughter proudly cleaned there, 2nd shift.
Thanks for the support!
It is one of the easiest airports to navigate
Complimenti 👏
Ford Airport Rocks!!
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Congratulations to Tristan, Mac, and Anthony for being named 2025 Rising Stars ! Great accomplishment and will be special to see them representing the Orlando Magic as part of the 2025 NBA All-Star festivities in San Francisco. ... See MoreSee Less
Magic's Anthony Black Joins Da Silva, McClung as 2025 Rising Stars
Second-year Orlando Magic guard Anthony Black has been added to the Rising Stars player pool for the upcoming 2025 NBA All-Star Weekend in San Francisco. Black7 CommentsComment on Facebook
Congratulations 👍👍👍
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Many of you know how much I enjoy getting outside in the winter and skiing . . . nothing better than a bluebird day. Great write up in the Michigan Enjoyer about some of Michigan’s best ski resorts 😊 ... See MoreSee Less
The Enjoyer Guide to Ski Resorts - Michigan Enjoyer
Boyne Mountain and The Highlands are perfect for a full trip, but a day at Bittersweet or Caberfae could be plenty4 CommentsComment on Facebook
Enjoy 😍😍
Enjoy 👍👍👍👍👍
Congratulations!! So proud of these WMAA students!SOLO BELL RINGING CEREMONY
Congratulations to 15 of WMAA's flight students who celebrated their first solos today with the traditional bell ringing ceremony, along with their family and WMAA students.
Today's event was the 2nd bell ringing this school year. The 2024-25 flight class squadron has 24 total pilots pursuing their private pilot's license. All 24 have now accomplished the benchmark of soloing. Congratulations to all of our student pilots and thank you to our incredible instructors.
Photo credit: Caleb Pentoney, WMAA student ... See MoreSee Less
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Anche mio figlio studia in un’accademia in Italia. Ad agosto ha già preso la licenza di pilota privato, adesso continua per diventare pilota professionista. Grazie AMWAY per averci insegnato a sognare in grande e a perseguire i nostri obiettivi ❤️
Great 👍👍👍💪💪
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37 CommentsComment on Facebook
A man to admire🙏🙏
Sharp dressed man!
A man to admire
Hello my Friend! May God Bless You and Your Family 🙌🏾🙌🏾
Great suit
Great Appearance 👌💝💐🎇🙏🙏
Great Appearance 👌💝💐🎇
Looking handsome
Have a wonderful 2025 my friend
Great sir 🩷 Awesome looks 👏
Vibrant outlook mr. Dick 👌👌👌👌👌👌🥰🥰🥰🥰👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌
Great suit😍🙏 look nice
Happy New Year, Mr. Marvin (inside joke)
Thank you for what you do!
I love you sir🌹🌹
Avrei tanto voluto conoscervi di persona ma non è stato possibile…io e mio marito abbiamo iniziato Amway nel 1988…e nel 1989 abbiamo raggiunto la qualifica DD…e siamo sempre stati fieri di fare parte di questa incredibile e unica Azienda….GRAZIE ANCORA GRAZIE ❤️
You are the real imagen of yours father , well I New him , bery simple human Bee I'm prout too be yours friend míster De Bos
So cute
App Mahan hai.
Gott sein Dank
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